Dauphin Junior Bowling - Winter 2025
Junior Bowling at Parkway Lanes is back in 2025!
This 10 week session will start on Thursday, January 30th and run until Thursday, April 3rd at Parkway Lanes.
The program will run from 4:30 - 6:00pm.
Cost is $100 for the 10 week session.
You can choose 5 or 10 pin bowling.
Categories are:
- Bantam (ages 5-8)
- Juniors (ages 9-12)
- Seniors (ages 13-17)
This program is open to all children aged 5 - 17.
To register online, click here: https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/dauphinrecreation/activity/search/detail/772?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true